
Pete & Sarah 30th December 2021

In memory of our good friend Charlie. ...You were such a happy go lucky, positive man (occasionally annoying for Amanda!) Your attitude “it’ll be alright” was priceless! If the roof blew off you would still say it! We love you for that! We regularly use that line in our home and say to each other “ good old Charlie” Being your friend for 30 years has for sure been a privilege and we will always appreciate that. We will keep an eye on Amanda and make sure she tows the line! Matt and Amy will of course miss you terribly but they are grounded ‘kids’ and have Tom and Emily and of course Max 💙 (and Bella 🐾 ) to keep them strong. They will be there for Amanda as she will be there for them. Love you always Charlie. RIP with all our love Pete & Sarah xxx